Athletic Eligibility

Athletic Expectations

The Perry Hall High School Athletic Program is committed to promoting the proper ideals of sportsmanship, ethical conduct and fair play at all athletic contests. We oppose instances and activities which run counter to the best values of athletic competition in order to insure the well-being of all individual student-athletes. We support high standards of good citizenship and propriety, along with regard for the rights of others.

PHHS supports the philosophy that a quality interscholastic athletic program is vital to the positive social, emotional, physical, and educational development of students. The interscholastic athletic program enhances and supports the mission of the school system to increase student achievement as evidenced by the county wide All-Academic team and the statewide Minds in Motion program.


The development of productive citizens for society through demonstrated acts of sportsmanship shall be the top priority of interscholastic activities. Good sportsmanship is best described as commitment to fair play, ethical behavior, and integrity. Sportsmanship is characterized by generosity, genuine concern for others, and a view of the opponent as a competitor, not an adversary.

All athletes shall abide by a code of ethics which will earn them the honor and respect that participation and competition in interscholastic athletics affords.

Rules and Regulations .02 Athletic Eligibility.

Students are ineligible if:

  1. They have less than a 2.0 grade point average with no more than one failing, incomplete, or medical grade in the marking period prior to the start of the season of participation. This provision does not apply to incoming 9th grade students for fall eligibility.
    1. First, second, third, and fourth marking period will be used for determining scholastic eligibility for winter, spring, and fall, li. The ending dates for marking periods shall be designated on the BCPS approved calendar.
  2. They re-enter school after withdrawing and their work or conduct at the time of withdrawal was such that they would not have been eligible in the marking period.
  3. They did not attend school the marking period prior to the intended participation.
  4. They are failing a class at the time of withdrawal in addition to another failure.
    1. The students shall be penalized for the withdrawal failure for one marking period only. Any first semester course or full year course dropped prior to November 15 will not be counted in determining eligibility. The date for dropping a second semester course is prior to April 15.
    2. A multi-hour course is counted as multiple courses when determining whether a student has maintained a 2.0 average, but is counted as one course when determining the number of failed classes.
    3. A student who is eligible during a marking period who does not maintain a 2.0 average with no more than one failing grade at the close of that marking period becomes ineligible to play on the day report cards are distributed.
    4. A student who is ineligible in a marking period can become eligible to play no earlier than day report cards are distributed. However, this student can become eligible to practice on the day designated as the end of that marking period in which the ineligibility occurred.
    5. The return of an ineligible player is at the discretion of the athletic director and principal.

Tobacco-Free and Smoke-Free School Environment Policy Statement:

  1. The Board of Education of Baltimore County (Board) is committed to providing a tobacco-free and smoke-free school/work environment for its students, employees, and the general public. The Board recognizes that the use of tobacco products is a health, safety, and environmental hazard.
  2. The Board further recognizes its obligation to promote healthy learning and work environments.


A student-athlete or coach who is ejected from a game for unsportsmanlike conduct (which includes use of tobacco or tobacco-like products: see Board Policy page 24a), or fighting will not be allowed to participate in the next game.

A substitute who leaves the team box and enters the playing area during a fight will be ejected.

The SECOND time a student-athlete or coach is disqualified in the same sport or any other sport during the school year, the penalty shall be doubled.

Any coach disqualified for a SECOND time during a school year or any coach who has three or more players disqualified during a school year is required to appear before the Coordinator of the Office of Athletics.

The THIRD time a student-athlete or coach is disqualified in the same sport or any other sport during the school year shall result in immediate dismissal from the team for the remainder of the season. The offending student-athlete or coach shall be prohibited from any further participation in the interscholastic program for the remainder of the school year. Interscholastic participation by such individuals in subsequent school years may be jeopardized and will be judged on a case-by-case basis.

An ejection or disqualification prevents a player or coach from attending the next regularly scheduled contest site (this includes bus, locker room, sidelines, bench, stands, or anywhere on the contest site).

When the ejection or disqualification takes place during the last game of the season, the penalty will be served at the start of the next season in that sport.

If the penalty cannot be served because of resignation or graduation, the school's administration must take appropriate action and provide written documentation of such to the Office of Athletics.

Any player or coach who physically assaults an official, coach, player or spectator shall be immediately dismissed from the team for the remainder of the season.

Once a player or coach has been disqualified, appeals from a coach, player, official, or other party will not be honored.

Failure of the school to enforce these policies for any reason shall prohibit that school from participating in any county, region or state post-season play.