Ticket Information and Stadium Rules

Ticket Sales

Tickets are found on
Perry Hall High School Events and Tickets by GoFan

 Stadium Rules

  • Gates will open one hour prior to game time for spectators.
  • Students will not be allowed to leave the stadium and return once the game has started.
  • Middle School age students must be accompanied by a paying adult to enter the stadium.
  • No student backpacks permitted in the stadium.
  • All bags are subject to search.
  • No loitering will be permitted. Spectators must sit in the stands and keep off the rails. Aisles should be kept clear at all times. Spectators may not cross to the other side of the stadium.
  • No outside food or drink may be brought into the stadium.
  • Items such as frisbees, balls, bats etc., are not allowed in the stadium.
  • No cannons, train horns, artificial noise makers, laser pointers or confetti allowed.
  • Spirit signs must be positive in nature and attached with zip-ties to the stadium
  • Umbrellas cannot be used in the seating area, courtesy of fan viewing and safety.
  • No folding chairs permitted – bleacher cushions are acceptable.
  • State laws and school district policies prohibit the use of tobacco products in any form (including e-cigs), alcoholic beverages, controlled substances, powder products and weapons of any sort on school district property.
  • Animals are not allowed in the stadium.
  • No airborne materials or devices (ex: drones) of any kind.
  • Food, drinks, gum, sunflower seeds and tobacco are prohibited at all times around or on the field areas.
  • Only emergency vehicles may be parked inside the stadium. No vehicles of any kind are allowed to drive on the field surface; including trailers and golf carts.
  • Victory lines shall be limited to drill team and cheerleaders only.
  • Only credentialed authorized personnel will be allowed on the field or in the press box area before the game, at halftime, or after the game. Individuals on the field or surrounding area must present a sidelines pass. Each school is responsible for their sideline.
  • School personnel reserve the right to ask any violators to vacate the stadium. 

If you violate any school or stadium rules, you will be asked to leave immediately and you may lose your opportunity to attend any future athletic events for the school year!

For Perry Hall High School Athletic Boosters information, please visit Home (phhsboosterclub.org)

For the most up-to-date sport schedules, please visit https://48779.digitalsports.com/.

For scores and standings, please visit https://countysportszone.com/.

For regional and state competition schedules and rules, please visit https://www.mpssaa.org/.

For NCAA eligibility information, please visit https://www.eligibilitycenter.org/.