Service Learning Hours are a graduation requirement. Each senior is required to have 75 hours to graduate. The forms below are to be completed and given to our Service Learning coordinator and counselor, Mrs. Alic [email protected]
While the intention of this requirement is for students to find and serve needs out in the local community, many students will obtain most of their hours through infused service projects in BCPS from grades 6-11. Please continually reference the bulletin board in the School Counseling Office OR your "Class of Schoology Page" for new opportunities to earn these hours and for electronic access to the form needed. If an activity is not posted on the bulletin board, but you would like to partake in order to earn hours, please complete the pre-approval section of the form below and submit it to Mrs. Alic in the counseling office. Activities that are posted have already been approved and therefore need no pre-approval form. For every activity, you must complete the verification of hours/reflection portion of the form below and submit them to Mrs. Alic or to the School Counseling Office window in order to earn credit for your service-learning hours. If you have questions about what qualifies as a service-learning opportunity, please contact Mrs. Alic or reference the BCPS website’s service-learning document: BCPS SLH REFERENCE
Service Learning Pre-Approval/Verification Log